Word of mouth recommendations and customer testimonials are highly valued assets for any business, brand or marketer. If we can capture other people ‘singing our praises’, based on their personal opinion of what we are selling, it’s priceless material for organisations to capitalise on.
Let’s be honest, we’ve all been doing it most of our lives, we love to share our point of view and experience of something we have enjoyed, and some of us even go the extra mile by writing our opinions on review platforms so complete strangers can share our wisely knowledge and experiences of everything from hair care to holidays.
But what about this. Let’s say that every time someone buys a product or service you recommended to them (because you love it), the company you recommended them to pay you a percentage of what they spent (I’m talking 25% – 35%…), not bad. And, to add to that they pay you that money every time that person buys from them again, not just the first time. It’s endless.
Take a restaurant for example, if you have a good experience, you’re likely to tell your friends, who will probably go too. They spend £150 on dinner, and the owner is so pleased you recommended his restaurant, he sends you £37.50 (25% of their bill) as a thank you for recommending him. Your friends go again 2 weeks later, and this time spend £250, of which the restaurant owner sends you £62.50 (25% of their bill). In fact, he’s so pleased he promises to send you 25% of whatever that person spends – every single time they go – forever. Boom! Nice one!
Too good to be true? No – Welcome to network marketing.
I’ve been a marketer all my career, that’s over 40 years and counting … and although I’ve been network marketing since the age of about 16 by simply sharing my positive experiences of products, services and places, it’s only the past 2 years that I actually get paid for doing it.
Network marketing is a brilliant business model and when the penny dropped with me about how it all worked, I signed up in a flash for a company whose products I had been using, loving and recommending to others. It doesn’t stop my day job, it doesn’t command my time 9-5, it just bubbles along nicely and I get a side hustle income every month.
There’s a book called The Flip Flop CEO, which I recommend everyone reads, in a nutshell network marketing allows you to run your own business in your flip flops and potentially earn a CEO income without the CEO headaches – nice! It’s totally up to you how much of a network marketer you want to be and how much you want to earn (maybe enough to give up the day job? It’s absolutely possible).
Energy goes where energy flows. I’ve not known any other business make no demands on my time, ask for no investment of money, to not expect me to jump through hoops – yet pay me on time, every time and shower me with thanks and praise.
I joined Tropic Skincare in 2019 and I am so glad I did. All I have done is gain additional income, discovered some amazing inspirational women (who are now my friends) and to top it all my skin and hair has never been so good.
Everyone is a network marketer, it’s just not that many people get paid for doing it.
If you’re curious to find out more get in touch, I’d love to hear from you and have a natter.