If you’ve ever wondered what to do with your unused designer handbags, we have the answer.
We buy pre-loved designer bags both instore and remotely, and you can earn up to 70% of the selling price, sometimes more.
When I started my business I had visions of a petite boutique retailing fabulous pre-loved clothing, bags, shoes and accessories where I would build a ‘bank’ of ladies bringing me beautiful, but no longer used, pieces to re-sell to someone who would love, want and use them. My dream came true, and then it grew and grew. This is in part due to my online shop reaching audiences across the UK (and further afield) but is also due to the reputation I have earned for integrity and fair-dealing.
I opened Dress because I LOVE beautiful clothes, I have a passion for handbags, and a minor obsession with fabulous shoes. I knew that I couldn’t be the only woman in Cheshire with a dressing room filled with gorgeous stuff that was never worn: designer fashions that with their timeless styling never go out of date; stunning designer handbags other women would love to carry; and beautiful shoes now pushed to the back of the rack. So, to solve my problem and present a solution to other women like me, I launched Dress Cheshire – pre-loved designer fashions and accessories carefully curated by me, and for sale to other women just like me.
If you have a designer handbag that you no longer use, don’t leave it sitting in the dark, bring it to us for resale and let it feel the love once again.
We have a waiting list for designer bags from Chanel, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Prada – all the premium, best-known, most-wanted brands and in most cases can find a buyer for your bag before it even goes instore or online.
No fakes. I can tell, every time, if something isn’t as it should be.
Clean and in wearable condition. If you wouldn’t carry it, neither will we.
I reserve the right to say no, thank you. Our reputation is what it is because we only carry the very best, so if I think it’s not suitable, I won’t accept it.
If you want to sell your designer handbag, get in touch and we can start the process together. Simply complete the New Sellers registration form online and we shall take it from there.
Christine xx